Dental Veneers

dental veneersDental veneers are slim coverings of porcelain bound to your teeth for an improved, lightened look. It is a fantastic solution for:

  • Covering up completely discolored teeth
  • Closing gaps in between your teeth
  • Improving the look of harmed or damaged teeth
  • The Porcelain Veneers therapy procedure
  • Hide chips, splits and also discolourations with porcelain veneers

After the first examination at Bondi Junction Dental Clinic, porcelain veneer treatment takes three visits. Each veneer is custom-fabricated in a laboratory to match the form as well as look of your all-natural teeth.

When your dentist reviews your dental health and determines exactly what your preferred end result is, you’ll be provided with a treatment outline during your initial consultation. An impact will be taken of your teeth and sent out to the research laboratory to design and create porcelain veneers.

The second consultation is when your teeth are planned for the veneers: this entails a percentage of enamel from the front of your tooth being removed. A short-term veneer will be positioned while you await the much more long-term veneers to be produced.

When your short-term veneers are removed and your long-term ones adhered right into the bonding area, the third consultation is taken. Porcelain veneers are positioned on the teeth so that when you grin, the lower and leading teeth are noticeable.

Am I appropriate for porcelain veneers?

The finest method to recognise whether you are an ideal prospect for veneers is to come in for an aesthetic analysis with the team at Bondi Junction Dental Clinic. We do not need a damaged tooth to create your veneers and after working a couple of weeks after positioning your porcelain veneers should act as your normal teeth would.

If looked after appropriately your porcelain veneers could last a lengthy time, normally up to 8-10 years. It is important you keep ideal dental health regimen, brushing and also flossing your teeth every day.

Visit our dental clinic in Bondi Junction every 6 months for a routine examination. If you are a person that chews on pens we suggest you stop this as it could reduce the life-span on your veneers.

Want to know more about Porcelain Veneers?

If you would like to understand more regarding porcelain veneers, or to reserve a visit at Bondi Junction Dental Clinic, please contact us today.


Mon – Fri
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat – Sun


(02) 6190 0385



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183 Oxford St, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022