
Invisalign offers an ingenious strategy to correct teeth as well as transform smiles with a long lasting affect.

invisalign bracesBondi Junction Dental Clinic takes satisfaction in providing Invisalign via our dentists offering this advanced treatment. These invisible braces redefines standard orthodontics and also unnoticeable dental braces with its amazing outcomes and also lifestyle friendly tooth straightening system.

Making use of undetectable aligners, this therapy offers a series of advantages for people.

Invisalign is Convenience at its Best

With clear aligners, you do not need to fret about reducing your lip or tongue on sharp steel sides or braces. The aligners do not need the exact same degree of modifications as that of standard dental braces, so they conserve you time as well as extra you from way too much pain.

  • The aligners are detachable, making it simpler to preserve excellent dental health.
  • No diet plan limitations – you could consume the food you desire by just getting rid of the aligners when eating.
  • You do not need to see the dentist to remove the aligners for unique occasions, unlike conventional metal dental braces.

Invisalign utilises computerised, custom-made therapy to match your smile.
We make use of a mix of perceptions (” moulds”) and also modern scanning technology to obtain precise dimensions of your teeth. Making use of advanced innovation, our dental practitioners can anticipate and also show you just how your smile will end up before treatment begins. We encourage patients to be persistent in using their detachable aligners, as this could add to their therapy time and also general result.

Invisalign Treatment from Bondi Junction Dental Clinic

If they match your way of living and also requirements, our dental professionals will suggest the clear aligners. If you’re an excellent prospect for the treatment, we perform a free examination to examine your smile as well as identify options. After the assessment, we will give a quote of the timeline as well as expenditures for the therapy.

Analyse The Health of your Gums as well as Teeth

On your 2nd visit, we will analyse the health and wellness of your teeth and also periodontals. If your dental wellness is up to the requirements to get Invisalign therapy, we will certainly offer to proceed with treatment.

We will take precise imagery and dimensions of your mouth as well as reveal feasible outcomes on a 3D video clip.

We utilise the imagery and technical specifications to design and create your personalised aligners as well as identify the course of your therapy. You might return for a follow-up dental consultation to identify any issues and also inspect the video clip whether you’re pleased with the predicted outcomes.


Mon – Fri
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat – Sun


(02) 6190 0385



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183 Oxford St, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022